Top 10k strings from Tank Trax + Bullseye (1983)(Mastertronic)(Side B).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Compilations - Utilities & Educational & Various / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Compilations - Various - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2006-06-06) /

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   3 i(a),j(a);
   3 ;"GAME OVER"
   3 ;"DOUBLES";
   3 ;"      ";
   2 m=((d-dd)/2
   2 f(a),g(a);
   2 ;"WINNER":
   2 ;"Press choice":
   2 ;"PLEASE WAIT";
   2 ;"PLAYERS"
   2 ;"Bowl ?";
   2 ;"BOWLING";
   2 ;"BATTING";
   2 ;"        "
   2 ;"               "
   2 ;"                ":
   2 ;"                    "
   2 ;"                      "
   2 ;"                             "
   2 )+((c-cc)/2
   2 ".31415927"):
   2 ".15707963")/
   1 v=d(n(am)):
   1 v=d(m(w)):
   1 i(a),j(a);d(a):
   1 i(a),j(a);d(a)
   1 e(a)=(e(a))-
   1 a$="- Mastertronic presents -"
   1 UDG       
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 >>>>>>>>>>>
   1 ="s")+("d"
   1 ="r")+("b"
   1 ="d")+("t"
   1 ="b")+("s"
   1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
   1 ;"and it can be selected whether  he loses the score from his last dart or all three darts as required."
   1 ;"When there are no wickets   left or the batting side have   reached a set amount of runs    then this is the end of one     ""INNINGS"" and the sides change  over."
   1 ;"When about to throw, select  number as follows.-";
   1 ;"Type of game?":
   1 ;"The program is arranged so  that only the player knows his  own double and ""SLEEPER"" doublesare introduced that are assignedto no players."
   1 ;"The bull (B) counts as a    double.                             The game can also be played with the doubles unknown to the players."
   1 ;"TREBLES"
   1 ;"Starting at ? (up to 1001) ":
   1 ;"Start with double ? (y or n)":
   1 ;"Start at ? (1 to 20)":
   1 ;"Select game":
   1 ;"SLEEPER":
   1 ;"SINGLES"
   1 ;"SCORE 2";
   1 ;"SCORE 1";
   1 ;"Round-the-board is a simple game in which each player must  hit the doubles in order from 1 to 20 and finish on a bull. In  this version you can choose to  go for singles or trebles       instead and to start at any     number."
   1 ;"Retrieve darts?":
   1 ;"Retrieve darts ?"
   1 ;"Press choice (1,2 or 3)":
   1 ;"Press ""c"" to continue or ""n"" to return":
   1 ;"PLAYERS";
   1 ;"Number of wickets ?":
   1 ;"Number of innings ? (up to 9)":
   1 ;"NOUGHTS & CROSSES is played just like the pencil-&-paper    game OXO, the object being to   get three ""O""'s, or ""X""'s, as   the case may be, in a row.         In this version, to qualify  for a square, you must hit the  relevant double for that square."
   1 ;"Lvl 3.";
   1 ;"Lvl 2.";
   1 ;"Lvl 1.";
   1 ;"Killer is a game where each player has a certain amount of  ""lives"" on one double.          The object of the game is to    ""kill"" the lives of your        opponents by hitting their      double(s)."
   1 ;"KILLER";
   1 ;"Im thinking"
   1 ;"How many playing ?(up to 5)":
   1 ;"How many playing ? (up to 5)":
   1 ;"How many lives ? (1 to 9)":
   1 ;"Going for ?  ":
   1 ;"GAME OVER!":
   1 ;"Doubles is a game that  normally starts at 301, 501,etc. It can be started on a double  or not but must always end on a double. Counting is from the    starting number down to zero.       Near the end of a game a player may score more than he has  available, this means he is " ;
   1 ;"Declare at ? (up to 1000)":
   1 ;"DECLARED!":
   1 ;"DECLARED!"
   1 ;"Cricket is a game for two   ""sides"". The first side ""BOWLS"", i.e. they have three throws at the bull. A bull counts as two  ""WICKETS"" and a twenty-five as  one. The second side then has   three throws at ""BATTING"", i.e. they try to score as much as    they can. 40 is taken from the  score and the remainder is the  amount of ""RUNS""." 
   1 ;"Concealed numbers ? (y or n)":
   1 ;"Choose Singles(S), Doubles(D)   or Trebles(T)":
   1 ;"CRICKET"
   1 ;"COMPUTER"
   1 ;"BOWLING":
   1 ;"BATTING":
   1 ;"Any key for player ";a;" double":
   1 ;"4=Watch computer."
   1 ;"4=ROUND-THE-BOARD";
   1 ;"3=Practise.(doubles only)";
   1 ;"3=KILLER";
   1 ;"2=Play opponent(s).";
   1 ;"2=CRICKET";
   1 ;"1=Play computer.";
   1 ;"1=DOUBLES (301 etc)";
   1 ;"1 or 3 dart BUST ?":
   1 ;" Use cursor keys to move  pointer, ""T"" to throw."
   1 ;" Select height and angle  from left when prompted."
   1 ;" Press S3 for single 3, D2 for double 2, T6 for treble 6, B for bull,and R for 25-ring.      ENTER is only required after numbers."
   1 ;" Play again ?  "
   1 ;" Going for ";b$;"  "
   1 ;" ";a;" ";
   1 ;" ";a;" "
   1 ;" ";"X";" ";
   1 ;" ";"O";" ";
   1 ;"      Player ";a;" double is ";c(a);"     "
   1 ;"      ":
   1 ;"       ":
   1 ;"           ";
   1 ;"            ";
   1 ;"             "
   1 ;"              "
   1 ;"               "    
   1 ;"                "
   1 ;"                 "
   1 ;"                   "
   1 ;"                     "
   1 ;"                         ";
   1 ;"                         "
   1 ;"                          "
   1 ;"                           ":
   1 ;"                            "
   1 ;"                              ";
   1 ;"                               ":
   1 ;"                               "
   1 - Mastertronic presents -
   1 "Height ? (up to 100)";y
   1 "Angle ? (up
   1 "9";"-BULLS EYE-"
   1 "9";"- BULLS EYE -";
   1 "9";"    ALLISON KERR DEC 1982  "
   1 "5";"KEYBOARD GAMES";
   1 "23609",00
   1 "23561",255
   1 ")"))+("b"